Saturday, April 14, 2007

Easter and Zooobieland

I was able to go home over the Easter weekend to spend some time with Penny and see some of the fam as well. With Rebec, high-tailing it to Scottsdale for some sun and shopping, I was able to stay at her house which was a total hook-up. It was nice as it seemed as though I had my own place. I got in Thursday night and Penny picked me up at the airport and we went to PF Chang's. We were able to spend some quality time over the course of the six days that I was there. We did such things as shopping, picnic lunch up Millcreek Canyon, Easter with the fam, trip down to zoobieland and much more. It was a lot of fun. Here are some photos.


Emily said...

Yeah, Tommy! You finally updated your blog! You and Penny look so cute.

Ralphster said...

Yo T-Luv! Lookin' cozy with Pa-nay-nay!!!