Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Lab Rats

So earlier tonight Jenny treated me to a night at the lab. She has told me for months how she performs surgeries on rats as part of her PhD studies. I told her that I wanted to see this first hand to see what it is that she does all day. So I met her outside the Basic Science building at G-town and she took me to her lair. We went downstairs to pick up our rat that she ordered weeks ago. He was buck white and too innocent to be taken to the grave later that night. So Jenny injected him with some some anesthetics to put him down. There he lay flat on the tray as I picked up the scissors and tweezers...and the gouger! See below.
I then made the cut on his underside and cut him open, making the incision about two and a half inches. It was at this point that I got light-headed and not thinking straight. I then blacked out and hit my head on the granite table. I was quickly recessitated and back in action to perform the surgery. Okay maybe not...I didnt even step back. Then I made a tranversal cut and peeled back the skin to see his inards. I then cut through the tissue to see all his organs. I about choked on my own throw up but swallowed it quickly. All this time, he is still alive, just sedated by the sweet juices. I was promised he was not feeling any of this...hmm. He started to twitch as I made some cuts. It reminded me of the time I killed a rat while in the Phili's but this was a little different. Jenny then proceeded to explain to me all the organs and what not. Later she removed the heart and placed it on the tray as it literally continued to beat, unattached, for a good five minutes. She then removed the brain and showed me that, including how the brain works. After a bit, we dropped him in a bag to be disposed of and we were out!
All in all, it was quite fascinating learning about all the organs and performing surgery on a little rodent. Maybe, there will be a second time!


a.t.a said...

I'm joining PETA tomorrow.

April said...

That's absolutely disgusting...I can't even handle it. The tail on that thing alone makes me quiver! But good job on making it through.

Rebecca said...

I cannot BELIEVE you dissected a rat! Seriously, I'm impressed. You both look quite official in your lab coats.