Sunday, July 8, 2007

Weekend trip in Utah

Here are a few photos from my trip back home to Utah the other weekend. It was a last-minute arrangement but I was glad I was able to go. I spent a lot of time with Penny which is always really good. It was also fun because Emily was back for a friends wedding so we were all able to spend time with each other. Some of the highlights included eating at The Paris, sibling sleepover at Rebecca's, shopping, swimming, Utah Arts festival, listening to a complete tool talk about Greek mythology and how it relates to Mormon mythology at Penny's class down south. Good times as always!


Emily said...

Nice, Tommy! I like the new look. I'm having trouble with mine and can't title any of my!

Amanda said...

Tommy - so glad you got rid of that last background, this is a much better choice!
I wish you were my brother, or my son, or my live-in, or my scandalous boy-toy. Anyway you slice it, you are the shiz! Can I come to a sibling sleep-over????